Kids Sports News Network

What’s Your Story

As the nation’s first youth sports broadcast network, KSNN strives to give every youth athlete an opportunity to tell us their story. Serving as the voice of the youth athlete, we want to know about their exciting accomplishments both on and off the field. We look forward to sharing your youth athlete’s stories through the creation of their very own sports page. Your athlete’s sports page will feature action, interviews and news stories about their accomplishments both on and off the field. It can be shared with family, friends, school mates, and team members, anyone who wants to share in their achievements.

Sponsors play an important role in the development and support of your youth athlete’s sports page. Sponsorships provide the resources required for its creation and hosting. KSNN looks forward to working with you and your potential sponsors who support our goal of sharing your youth athlete’s stories.

Tell Us Your Story


Type of Story Lead (select one):

Youth AthleteCoachOrganizationParent(s)Other


Level of Competition:



Athletes Name:


Athletes Top Two College Choices:

Choice One:

Choice Two:

Parents Name:

Parents Contact Information:



Organization Name:

Coach’s Name:

Coach Contact Information:

Give us your Highlights